How to Get Tripadvisor Reviews

a group of people holding stars after they get tripadvisor reviews

Hospitality brands and marketers need to get Tripadvisor reviews as part of their online reputation management strategy.

Why? Because reviews drive decisions and shape your brand reputation. Customer reviews data shows 92.4% of consumers use online reviews to guide their ordinary purchasing decisions and they need to see at least 112 reviews to confirm their brand perception.

In other words, getting Tripadvisor reviews can bring massive benefits to your Tripadvisor for Business listing. Here are a few ways to get started when it comes to asking for reviews:

a simple illustration of getting tripadvisor reviews online

Get Tripadvisor Reviews Method 1: Use Tripadvisor Review Express

Tripadvisor has a feature for listed businesses called Review Express. Using this tool, you can easily send branded review requests to guests via emails.

However, this does require a bit of legwork on your end. You’ll also have to organize email addresses on a spreadsheet. There are many ways to ask for a customer’s email address, and regardless of how you do so, it’s important that you disclose to the customer why you’re asking for their email address. Not only is this a generally good business practice; it’s also a great way to build trust.

You can learn more about using Review Express by checking out Tripadvisor’s quick start-up guide.

Get Tripadvisor Reviews Method 2: Send Your Own Review Request Emails

Often, the best way to get new reviews is to ask. Email outreach is a great way to connect with guests and customers. It’s also a great platform for encouraging TripAdvisor reviews.

Put careful thought into your feedback request templates and write them in a way that individually acknowledges each recipient. You can design the most dazzling email in the world, but you won’t achieve high open rates and response rates if the message feels cold and impersonal from the start.

a woman trying to get tripadvisor reviews by responding to current customer feedback

Also, keep the emails short. If you would like them to review your business specifically on Tripadvisor, say so explicitly and provide clear instructions on how to do it. (Don’t forget the link to your Tripadvisor page.)

One tool you can use to collect reviews via email is ReviewTrackers’ Ask Tool.

The Ask Tool includes intelligent workflow features designed to make getting Tripadvisor reviews a breeze. You can create email campaigns, design beautiful message templates, and even automate follow-up with scheduled reminders and drip campaigns.



Get Tripadvisor Reviews Method 3: Send SMS messages to Customers

Consumers always have their smartphones within reach so use that knowledge as a way to generate more reviews on your Tripadvisor profile.

If you already have a database with your guests’ or customers’ mobile phone information, requesting Tripadvisor reviews can be very effective. Here’s an example message you can take inspiration from:

  • “Hi (First Name of Customer), thank you for doing business with us. Do you have 1 minute to share your experience with us and leave us a review on Tripadvisor? Just go here: (insert the link to your Tripadvisor business page). Thanks for your help!”

The key here is to make both the message and the overall review process as easy as possible. Reducing the number of steps needed to provide feedback can increase the number of reviews you get from SMS requests.

a business owner trying to get tripadvisor reviews via sms

Get Tripadvisor Review Method 4: Create Reminder Cards

Another great way to get Tripadvisor reviews is to use reminder cards that you can print and distribute to guests at the point of sale or care. Doing so requires a few steps:

  • Under the “Marketing Tools” tab in your Tripadvisor Management Center, select “Promotional Tools.”
  • Select “Order Now” under Business Cards, then choose “Business Cards” in the promotional shop.
  • Select and customize the reminder cards so that they fit your business.
  • Once you’re pleased with your reminder cards, you can send them off to print. Tripadvisor offers the first 100 cards for free; you only have to pay for shipping.

If you don’t want to use Tripadvisor’s services, you can also choose to create and print your own reminder cards using a tool like Canva. Feel free to distribute them at checkout, at the end of a meal, or when the tour comes to an end.

Get Tripadvisor Review Method 5: Use Tripadvisor Stickers

You also have the option of using a Tripadvisor sticker. Specifically, you can use the ones saying “Review Us on Tripadvisor” or “Leave Us a Review on Tripadvisor” to maximize your review request strategy.

To order your stickers:

  • Go to the Tripadvisor Sticker Request page and type in the name of your business or listing in the search bar.
  • You’ll then see the lineup of stickers available for that listing below the name of the business. Choose the stickers that you want to use. You can also select the displayed language for the stickers.
  • Enter your mailing information and click “Submit.”

Stickers ordered through Tripadvisor are free, but you will need to wait before they arrive at your doorstep. Tripadvisor estimates the shipping time to be up to six weeks by mail.

Be sure to put the Tripadvisor stickers in “high-traffic areas.” This can be the window next to the front door, the checkout counter, or even on a small chalkboard that some shops put outside on the sidewalk.

a group of people outside stores

Get Tripadvisor Review Method 6: Use Review Widgets

Tripadvisor also offers a suite of free website review widgets. On top of showing feedback from customers and helping drive conversions, a website review widget can also serve as an effective prompt for customers to write reviews.

Remember: reviews shape consumer perception and brand reputation. A stack of positive (or negative) reviews can easily change people’s perception of your brand before they have a chance to learn more about you.

That’s why review widgets can be so powerful. You can check out the Tripadvisor Widget Center to see which widgets are available for a listing.

Alternatively, you can use local SEO software with built-in review widgets to display reviews anywhere on your website, build brand credibility, rank higher in local search results, and drive more bookings and conversions.

Get Tripadvisor Review Method 7: Promote Your Tripadvisor Presence on Social Media

Don’t forget the importance of your digital channels, especially your social media platforms, as a way to get Tripadvisor reviews.

Sharing customer reviews on social media can be a great way to get the attention of your recent customers to post a review, especially if they’re already talking about you on social media.

On top of asking for reviews, be sure to use your social media channels for community management as well. Building trust and engagement with your customers shows that you go above and beyond to create a loyal base and improve customer retention.

Final Thoughts

Your strategy to get Tripadvisor reviews doesn’t have to be complicated. Employ one or multiple tactics listed above to get started.

It might take some time before your plans bring in expected returns, but perseverance pays off.  Tripadvisor reviews serve as the social proof needed to influence consumers. When done right, they can elevate your listing, improve your Tripadvisor ranking, and boost your brand reputation.

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