Social Media Marketing for Restaurants: 12 Tips to Attract Customers

social media marketing for restaurants

More consumers than ever are discovering great restaurants through social media. This makes social media marketing for restaurants an essential strategy for any restaurateur looking to attract more customers. 

  • Nearly half of US diners (45%) have tried a restaurant for the first time because of a social media post made by the business. 22% said a restaurant’s social media post enticed them to return. (QSR)
  • 75% of people purchased a product because they saw it on social media. (Sprout Social)
  • 72% have used Facebook to make restaurant or retail decisions based on comments and images that have been shared by other users. (Restaurant Social Media Statistics)

Particularly in these unprecedented times of coronavirus crisis, a savvy and effective social media strategy can help restaurants thrive with deliveries, reservations, and high levels of engagement.

Social Media Marketing Tips for Restaurants

To help restaurant marketers make the most out of social media marketing, we compiled a list of tips and tricks, along with a few examples of establishments doing it right. 

  • Assemble critical information and content
  • Share high-quality photos
  • Take advantage of videos
  • Share your best reviews on social media
  • Respond to online reviews
  • Join in on food-related holidays
  • Share your menu on social media
  • Showcase your work in the kitchen
  • Add location tags to your posts
  • Engage with Instagram influencers
  • Customize your Facebook Page cover image
  • Use review widgets to add reviews to your website

Assemble Critical Information and Content

The coronavirus crisis has changed the way businesses operate. As your restaurant adapts to new models such as delivery and online, remember that people are looking for clear, specific, and detailed information to guide any restaurant- or food-related decisions. 

You can start by acknowledging the current situation across your social media profiles and regularly updating communications. Do the same on other core web properties like your website, business listings, and review website profiles.  

During the coronavirus crisis, Pitchfork Food & Salon in Chicago has regularly updated its Facebook Page to provide detailed information on its carry-out and delivery operations. The establishment is also promoting Free Delivery Fridays to drive engagement and attract more customers.  

restaurant social media marketing

social media for restaurants

Photos, Photos, Photos

One of the most effective ways to promote and market your restaurant on social media is by sharing lots of food photos. Let your food take centerstage! 

Regardless of the platform you’re using — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Yelp, Google, whatever — be sure to develop a plan around regularly uploading high-quality, mouth-watering shots of your menu items. It’s one of the most effective ways to whet the appetites of people staying at home.

restaurant social media add photos

Bring Your Restaurant to Life with Videos

If social media marketing for restaurants starts with photos, video content can help take you to the next level.

A quick location video tour can give potential guests an idea of what it’s like to dine at your restaurant. You can also shoot the items that are going to be part of your next set of promotions. You can even go all in on video and hire third-party producers to tell your restaurant brand story with video. 

Of course, you also have the option of posting live videos on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, which can be set up so that your most engaged followers are notified in real-time. Go behind the scenes in your kitchen, or stream parties, fundraisers, and special occasion events.

Share Your Best Reviews on Social Media

The best marketing in life is free.

One of the most powerful ways to turn your happy customers into brand ambassadors is to share their reviews and experiences on social media. Not only do you get to publicly show appreciation for the people that matter most to your restaurant; you also create the kind of social proof essential to driving in new customers.

share reviews on social media

(See our Facebook business Page tips to learn how to get more from your social media marketing for restaurants strategy.)

Respond to Online Reviews

Online review sites like Yelp, Tripadvisor, Facebook, and Google play a major role in shaping consumer behavior.

Make sure you respond to your customers’ online reviews, address negative feedback, and show appreciation for positive reviews. This helps strengthen your restaurant’s online reputation on review sites and social media. Review response also shows potential customers how your management handles criticism online.

Even if you’re not able to respond to 100 percent of your existing reviews, spend some time addressing critical customer feedback and attempting to turn around your relationship with customers who may not have had a positive experience.

social media marketing for restaurants_respond to reviews

Join in on Foodie Holidays

Most restaurants will have cooked up something special for traditional holidays like the Super Bowl or the Fourth of July. But if you’re looking at new ways to distinguish yourself on social media, plan some posts and content around food-related holidays, too — particularly if it’s relevant to your menu offering.

It could be New England Clam Chowder Day or National Toasted Marshmallow Month. Whatever the occasion is, find a way to tie it into your menu. Don’t forget to add visuals and hashtags!

social media marketing for restaurants

Share Your Menu on Social

Don’t let your menu sit idly on your website. Make sure you share it on social, too. Include a link to it in your tweets and Facebook posts, so that potential customers can take action, browse for more information, and engage. Sharing your menu on social media is a great addition to your restaurant marketing toolkit, especially if you offer delivery.

Check out our guides to learn how to post your menu on Facebook, Yelp, and Google.

Showcase Your Chef’s Work in the Kitchen

If you’re a fan of food, you’ll probably be interested to see how a certain dish is prepared or who the chef is behind a restaurant’s innovative menu. Social media is one of the best ways for restaurants to satisfy this interest among their fans and followers.

Give customers a sneak peek of the kitchen prep via YouTube or Facebook. Or have your chef or mixologist sit down in front of a camera for a Twitter or Instagram Live Q&A. 

By showcasing the kind of work that’s being done in your kitchen, as well as the people who perform such work, you allow customers to feel more connected to and engaged with your restaurant.

Don’t Forget to Add Your Location on Your Posts

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are getting better and better at offering various search capabilities. This means that hungry users can narrow down their searches or hashtags by looking for posts “near you.”

By adding your restaurant location on your social media posts, you can improve your visibility on social media and help customers find you more easily.

Reach Out to Instagram Influencers

There are a lot of foodies on Instagram, each with their own community of fans and followers. Look up those that are located near your restaurant and try to build relationships with them. 

These influencers make for budget-friendly and effective partners for your restaurant.

Invite them to dinner. Send them samples of menu items. Ask them to create sponsored posts or give a detailed review of the experience at your restaurant. 

You can even let them take over your Instagram account for a day, or turn them instantly into brand ambassadors by providing them with a custom discount link or code that they can share with their audience. 

Customize your Facebook Page Cover Image

The Cover image on your restaurant’s Facebook Page is prime real estate. So make it count. Take advantage by uploading a great food shot, or information on your specials or latest offers. You can even use a video as your Facebook Page Cover.

Worried that your visuals might get cut off? According to Buffer, if you want to use a single image that works well on both desktop and mobile, the ideal size is 820 pixels wide and 462 pixels tall.

Add Reviews to Your Website with Amplify

ReviewTrackers’ Amplify embeds reviews onto your site, allowing potential diners to see the positive experiences other diners have had.

Amplify review carousel

If your restaurant is trying to encourage diners to try specific dishes or order more appetizers, you can make sure to post reviews that encourage those specific behaviors.


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