Fast-Track Customer Feedback Collection with AI Surveys

AI surveys (artificial intelligence-powered surveys) allow business organizations and brands to automate the process of collecting customer feedback.

Instead of crafting customer satisfaction surveys or marketing surveys with your own unique set of questions — then determining all the ways your team will be distributing the survey to respondents and customers — you can now leverage artificial intelligence to fast-track survey creation and use AI-generated questions without the need for advanced programming skills.

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With AI surveys, machine learning algorithms and technology can be programmed to interact with your customers and manage all their responses and feedback. 

Today’s AI survey tools are often designed to address one of the most challenging parts of survey creation: finding the right customer feedback questions to ask. The technology can also predict survey performance, optimize response rates, and automate creation tasks. 

Why Use AI Surveys?

Surveys powered by artificial intelligence help your team create effective surveys while saving time and money. Traditionally, crafting customer satisfaction surveys or marketing surveys can take time and may often require hours of brainstorming and testing.

With AI surveys, your survey questions are tailored to ensure they remain relevant, leading to more actionable data and more insightful responses — essential to transformative customer experience management

Another benefit of using AI surveys is that it allows your team to minimize potential errors and biases. By using data from thousands or even millions of previously existing AI-generated surveys, this type of tool can improve the effectiveness of your survey campaigns and help maximize response rates. Often, AI survey tools provide additional flexibility and offer a variety of question structures and survey designs. 

Best Practices When Collecting Customer Feedback

Find effective ways to measure data. You can’t manage data if you have no way of measuring it. When using AI to create and design your surveys, be sure to include questions that will allow your team to track customer satisfaction metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES). These metrics will help you predict future behavior and more accurately anticipate the needs and wants of your customers — well before they need and want it. 

Related reading: CSAT vs. NPS: What’s the Difference?

Focus on insights. When it comes to surveys — AI-powered or not — data collection should never be the end goal. The priority is to capture rich, actionable insights that will lead to smarter business decisions. When looking for AI survey tools, look for solutions that leverage natural language processing technology and other analytical techniques to help your organization uncover important information from survey responses and feedback.

Combine survey data with data from unsolicited feedback. AI surveys are a great source of rich, detailed feedback, but to achieve a more complete and accurate understanding of the customer, it is worth combining survey data with data from unsolicited customer feedback, such as those found in online reviews and social listening activities. You can seamlessly integrate these various types of data using an online reputation management software tool like ReviewTrackers. By consolidating the information into one dashboard, your company can unlock the full potential of customer feedback and gain access to targeted, structured, and actionable information from customers. 

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