20 Employer Brand Stats You Need to Know

These updated employer brand stats serve as a useful reminder that your organization’s ability to build a strong employer brand is a major growth driver. But it takes more than posting job openings on LinkedIn or designing a fancy Careers page to create a brand that resonates with job seekers.

To understand what it takes to attract the best possible talent, let’s take a look at some employer branding stats that every employer and HR executive must know.

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Stats on the Importance of Employer Brand Management

1: Companies with positive employer brands get twice as many applications as companies with negative brands. They also spend less money on employees. (Betterteam)

2: When making a decision on where to apply for a job, 84% of job seekers say the reputation of a company as an employer is important. And 93% say it’s important to be thoughtful and informed about all aspects of a company prior to accepting a job offer. (Glassdoor)

3: A strong employer brand can reduce the cost per hire by as much as 50%, and a negative reputation can cost a company as much as 10% more per hire. (Glassdoor)

employer brand stats

4: Companies with poor employer branding pay 10% higher salaries. (Smartdreamers)

5: 75% of hiring decision-makers say it’s easier to attract top talent when candidates know about the organization, specifically when it comes to the company name, products, or services. (Glassdoor)

6: 50% of candidates say they wouldn’t work for a company with a bad employer brand reputation, even for a pay increase. (Glassdoor)

7: 92% of people would consider changing jobs if offered a role with a company with an excellent employer brand reputation. (Recruiting Blogs)

Employer Brand Stats on Online Reviews and Reputation

8: 86% of those in HR think recruitment is becoming increasingly similar to marketing. (Smartdreamers)

9: 83% of employees and job seekers are likely to research a company’s online reviews and ratings when deciding on where to apply for a job. (Customer Reviews Report)

employer brand stats

10: 7 out of 10 people surveyed changed their opinion about a brand after the company replied to a review. (G2)

11: A 1-star improvement in a company’s Glassdoor rating raises the likelihood that a typical employee will stay for their next role by 4%. (Glassdoor)

12: 68% of Millennials, 54% of Gen-Xers, and 48% of Boomers indicated they visit an employer’s social media properties specifically to evaluate the employer’s brand. (Glassdoor)

13: Nearly 3 in 4 (74%) of Glassdoor users read at least 4 reviews before forming an opinion of a company. (Glassdoor)

Employer Brand Stats: The Impact of Strong Company Values

14: 50% of executives rate diversity, inclusion, equality, and environment as either the most important or second-most important factor in a company’s success. (Deloitte)

15: Employee experience is the second most important concern for US employers, rated as important or very important by 84% of executives. (Deloitte)

16: 71% of employees would be more likely to share experiences and opinions on diversity and inclusion at their company if they could do so anonymously. (Glassdoor)

employer brand stats

17: Highly inclusive organizations generate 1.4 times more revenue and are 120% more capable of meeting financial targets. (Gem)

18: When they believe the organization fosters an inclusive culture, 83% of Millennials say they are engaged at work. (Deloitte)

19: 66% of Gen Z and 73% of millennials will switch jobs to get more control of their schedule. (Employee Retention Strategy Guide)

20: 85% of employees and job seekers expect their employer to support them in balancing their life between work and personal commitments. (Employee Retention Strategy Guide)

Key Insights from Employer Brand Stats

These stats show that, in the evolving landscape of recruiting and HR, companies with a strong focus on employer branding stand out in the eyes of top candidates.

By strategically managing your employer brand, monitoring employee review sites, investing in employer brand monitoring, and fostering an organizational culture that promotes shared values, you can boost your employer brand and attract just the kind of top talent you’re looking for.

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