Introducing the #SayItForward Initiative

people writing reviews in our say it forward campaign

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic severely impact the restaurant industry.  Even with the use of delivery services, establishments are still losing customers every day. These are the places where we get coffee during our morning commute, grab lunch with friends, or meet up for a weekly brunch.

People are staying at home, but they continue to find ways to support local restaurants. We want to do our part in bolstering that effort by introducing a digital wave of support with our #SayItForward initiative.

How It Works

Our #SayItForward initiative is all about digitally supporting the restaurants you gave business to during these hard times by leaving them a review on sites like Facebook, OpenTable, or Tripadvisor and encouraging others to do the same. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Starting on 4/23, leave three reviews for the local restaurants you supported during these times.
  2. Share the image below across your social media channels and tag three people to do the same. Use the hashtag #SayItForward.
  3. Feel free to tag the restaurants that you reviewed so they see your support.
Download the graphic to use on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn
Download the graphic to use on Instagram
Download the graphic to use on Instagram Stories
Download this graphic to use on Instagram Stories

The Power of Restaurant Reviews

In this time of isolation, reviews play an even larger role in the success of any restaurant. Research already shows online reviews influencing the dining decisions of 94% of U.S. consumers. With every #SayItForward review, you show your continued support to restaurants while encouraging others to do the same. Together, we can help our beloved restaurants stay afloat during these turbulent times so that we can go there in person again when this crisis is over.

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